Prendi due capi casual, come i jeans e una camicia a righe bianche e blu, abbinali a capi decisi, come il parka con maniche in ecopelle, e le francesine stringate con frange. Il risultato? Un look da giorno, casual dal sapore militare.
Buon giorno splendori, finalmente Sabato mattina!
Ho indossato questo look in settimana, per un pranzo dai miei nonni, approfittando del bel sole e delle temperature ancora miti!
Ormai piove anche qui, è decisamente inverno, ma va bene così, dopotutto manca una settimana a Dicembre!! A proposito, sto pensando a dei DIY a tema da mostrarvi nel corso delle prossime settimane, cosa ne dite??
Aspetto di leggere il vostro parere sul look, buon weekend!!
Take two casual clothing such as jeans and a blue and white striped shirt, combine them with strong clothing, as the parka with faux leather sleeves, and lace-up brogues with a high heel. The result? A day look, casual but military flavor.
Good morning glories, it's finally Saturday morning!
I wore this look in this week for a lunch with my grandparents, taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine and temperatures still mild!
Now it's raining here too, it's definitely winter, but that's okayafter all missing a week in December! By the way, I am thinking about some DIY themed Christmas to show you over the next few weeks, what do you think?
I look forward to reading your opinion on looks, good weekend!
Take two casual clothing such as jeans and a blue and white striped shirt, combine them with strong clothing, as the parka with faux leather sleeves, and lace-up brogues with a high heel. The result? A day look, casual but military flavor.
Good morning glories, it's finally Saturday morning!
I wore this look in this week for a lunch with my grandparents, taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine and temperatures still mild!
Now it's raining here too, it's definitely winter, but that's okayafter all missing a week in December! By the way, I am thinking about some DIY themed Christmas to show you over the next few weeks, what do you think?
I look forward to reading your opinion on looks, good weekend!

Ph. Marco Ferro
Parka: Pull&Bear / Blouse: Zara / Jeans: Stradivarius /
Shoes: Bershka / Bag: Michael Kors / Bracelets: Perlopiù
Lucia Palermo
12 Commenti
OISOME post :) I love your eyeliner :) plz check out my new outfit post :)
RispondiElimina<3 victorique
Bellissimo look, mi piace tutto :)
RispondiEliminaShadow Of Style
Il parka e la borsa mi piacciono da matti!!
mi piace molto il tuo look
RispondiEliminase ti va ci potremo seguire a vicenda ciaooo
Lucia tu sei sempre perfetta e stai benissimo con tutto
I like it. Great caot-
Stai molto bene, che belli i jeans super skinny! Lucy
RispondiEliminaMi piace tantissimo questo look. Me ne sono innamorata da quando vidi l'anteprima su Instagram. Il parka e le scarpe sono decisamente il top <3
Stai benissimo, mi piace molto il parka e le scarpe!
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